Kindle Audiobook Profits

Here's How I Grow My Business Every, Simply Using Content That I Already 
Have On My Computer

With So Many People Now Using
What We Share In This Program, This Might Be Our Best Amazon Training EVER!

So, you've done everything right.

This is a really special and unprecedented time in history. You've worked so hard on creating your book, you're ready to share it... But What Else Should You Do?

Maybe you're not exactly sure how to turn your writing success into a publishing breakthrough. It's easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information that exists on the market and all of them are always spoken about by gurus and teachers in just the most severe in earth. In terms they're all the most important. 

They're all tied for the most important thing you could possibly do. 

It's all critical, and that leads to information overwhelm. And when you feel overwhelmed, you don't dig in and work twice as hard on 100 other things - usually you just... do nothing.

Especially because so many of the tactics that are being talked about cost real money.

So many authors save money for months or even years preparing to roll out their book and get it out to the world. 

And they know that if they miss spend or misuse that money, it will be a long time before they get another chance. 

And what happens if you're working hard and not seeing results? Well, you start to doubt yourself.

Nobody should have to spend months writing, only to find that your book is collecting dust on a shelf and not getting recognition. You deserve the credibility that comes from being a real author. And it's just as important to have that.

When you compete on Amazon, you are competing with thousands of other books. 

 The good news is that people are quietly publishing in a place that is just out of reach of the average Kindle author. The opportunity is there. They just never have really thought about how to take advantage of it. 

They think it's too hard. They think it's impossible. They think that it's too expensive - and they are wrong. 

You've got to tell the world that your book exists and whenever you can, you've got to make Amazon do it.

That's one of the things that I have built my entire identity around and you need to do the same thing.

And thanks to Amazon there's an incredible opportunity to make a lot of money from home no matter what you are writing, no matter what your experiences. You can take advantage of a market that is only going to grow, you can take advantage of the opportunity to turn your self published book(s) into a massive sellers.

Sound like a good idea? If so, follow along...

Audio book sales are growing like crazy. 

People don't tend to like staring into a book and they are willing to pay a premium for content that they can listen to while they drive to work, clean their house, do multitasking of any kind! Fiction AND Non-fiction. 

And that market is not shrinking, it's growing. 

The demand is growing and most authors are not able to meet that demand even remotely. 

Audiobooks are quickly becoming more popular than ebooks and services like Audible are growing like crazy. 

So there's no reason to delay for even one day when it comes to making sure that everything that you publish in a "book" format, is also made available in an audio book format.

The beautiful thing about audio books is that, they are at a higher price point, they have a higher perceived value because they have a higher practical value. So join the movement. 

Let's face it, most people think that it's too expensive, or difficult to do. They are wrong
  • You CAN get a narrator to make your books at an incredibly low price. 
  • You can find people willing to help for less than a couple hundred dollars.
  • ​​You can have sales that go up - and up - and up. 
  • You can make stunning covers - YES YOU. 
  • ​You can know EVERYTHING about your competition and always be a step ahead of them. 
  • ​You can make paperback versions of your books.
  • ​You can be a little more professional, a little more prepared, and a little more REAL than everyone competing with you.
In an increasingly virtual world, all of this is extremely important for writers, authors and publishers. 

Audiobooks Do Practically EVERYTHING That's NEEDED For Your Success As A Super-Publisher

This is an opportunity to dominate the marketplace and there's no other course that is giving you this kind of information. Because this is not just information. 
  • This is NOTHING like going to Dr. Google and getting a diagnosis off WebMD.
  • ​This is REAL medicine for your business. 
  • ​This is the painkiller that takes the confusion from Amazon and gives you quick relief.
This means you’ll create a snowball effect where more and more sales will come without (or with little) advertising. It’s like you’re kickstarting sales and throwing gasoline on the fire, then watching it go nuts!
Honestly, starting a Kindle business is so simple that I don’t really get many questions. But, below I want to cover the 3 most frequent ones.
The best thing I can tell you is that KEEP IT SIMPLE. The power of this business model is the simplicity of it, that’s exactly why now in almost 8 years, my system has barely changed.
Alright, ready?
Here are the 3 most asked questions - answered.

Introducing, Kindle Audiobook Profits: Your Pathway To Building A REAL Stream Of Revenue By Selling Your Very Own Audio Books On Amazon.

All you have to do is watch the step by step videos and take actions.

Audio books are one of the best ways to get more readers.. I mean listeners :-), People that may have never heard of your book had you not made it available as an audio book.

Plus, when you get access to the Audio Books Profits Course, you are not just getting access to an online program.

You're even getting access to a growing Facebook community of nearly 20,000 writers, authors and publishers that's going to inspire your efforts at getting all the way there, because we know that it's easy to get started on something and then lose track, lose your way, get depressed, get worried and then not do what you're supposed to do. 

And we can't have that!


Welcome To Kindle Audiobook Profits

  • We're going to give you an introduction that starts you in the strongest way possible, lets you understand what is at stake in what you're doing. And will also give you some important information about audiobooks as a medium.
  • ​We'll show you how to set your account up so that there are never any technical burdens that get between you and success.
  • We'll also show you how to connect your KDP account with a CX. This is Amazon's audio book platform They give great royalties, but it's a long term commitment. And we're going to talk a little bit about how those commitments work.


Audiobook Market Research

  • Identify your competition: how can your listing outmaneuver them?  
  • ​Keyword research and tropes:  Are your customers ready to go on a 20-30 hour journey with you? Here's how to make sure you're writing a book that accomplishes that.
  • ​A little tool called Publisher Rocket: This is almost like a Swiss Army Knife for publishers. We'll tell you how it works and how to make the most out of it.


Building Your Narration Team

  • Do you have the perfect narrator already? Skilled, inexpensive, with all the right equipment? And how long will it take you to find them? If you don't have the answers, WE DO. 
  • Where can you find the most passionate people, period? It's a "semi secret" website that doesn't show up in a lot of blogs and guides. When you hear about it this little smile is gonna grow on your face and KEEP growing.
  • ​Who designs your cover? That's gonna be pretty important.
  • ​Let's face it, most people are going to judge a book by its cover. A good cover means clicks, buys and reviews and a poor one - or even an AVERAGE one - means sitting on the shelf and not being seen as serious.


The Audiobook Toolbox

  • Beyond the basics: We're going to walk you through three services that take about 20 minutes to sign up for but create rapid amounts of fans, help you unpack your customers over the long term, and create a beautiful professional visual style that stands out from anybody else.
  • How to create promotions that make your audiobooks go viral. This isn't just a matter of having the right book. It's about having the right message!
  • Hacking the Competition: We want you to have an understanding of what your entire niche is doing and how to kind of combine them like a Voltron and make something that's really electric, but still feels like your unique self. 
  • Email Automation: Listen, it is not your job to sit in front of a computer and write one fresh email for your subscribers a week.  Instead, it should be your job to write and create new things and bring them into the world.


Building Your Audiobook Funnel

  • ​Some people can't GIVE their work away - and while it stinks sometimes, giveaways are critical for reaching that high leverage that makes a great audience. Here's how to RAPIDLY use your books and audio to create traffic WINDFALLS. 
  • ​Building an ARC audiobook team? Watch this video and put together a TEAM of specialists for faster, less expensive, and better produced that anywhere else.
  • How To Bundle Your Audiobooks: It's less expensive for them, and builds an incredible  


Email Marketing

  • ​Ethically hacking your competitors by, you know, subscribing to their mailing lists :) 
  • ​How to make sure you're not just talking to reader, but engaging with them - what does that mean and how do you KNOW it's working.
  • ​What should authors be doing? A look into networking, swaps, and giveaways as tactics for building your network. 
  • ​Kindle Shout Out Profits: Once you see this, you'll freak out - its a special profit generating method based on LEVERAGING RELATIONSHIPS. All we can say right now.
  • ​Kindle List Magnets: This is the #1 way to determine a stable, predictable financial future - building a mailing list that loves YOU and responds to YOU.


FB Marketing

  • ​Advertisements on the Big Blue site are powerful, and they're everywhere. How can you use them to build your mailing list on Kindle?
  • ​Let's talk about a little tool called "the pixel" - without it, you can't tell whether your book is a winner or a wimp! 
  • ​We do a LOT of work on Facebook ads, but the most important things are pretty basic - and we can teach them to you in a single video. Ready to build your first campaign?


Sneak Peek: Kindle Cash Flow Black Box!

What is the Black Box? It's a series of webinars, directly targeted at the issues that have the MOST impact on your success. Take a moment and look at our sneak preview - three Q&A sessions where people raise their most pressing concerns... hopefully you find something you recognize and gain the tools to act.


Learn How To Grow Spiritually, Financially, Physically, And Mentally With Your Family - During Times Of Crisis

We're calling this the Let's Talk Summit. There's not a lot of sales stuff in this series... instead we just want to have some real conversations about staying afloat. The current situation isn't just financially trying - it's an attack on almost every corner of our life.

And we'll show you how to make eBooks!

  • Focusing On One Pen Name 
  • How To Conduct Market Research For Your Ebooks 
  • Are You Modeling Bestsellers Correctly?
  • Outsourcing 
  • How To Find Ghostwriters, Editors, & Graphic Designers On Upwork 
  • Formatting Your Ebook
  • How To Publish Your Ebook On Amazon
  • The Blueprint For Publishing Success
  • Setting Up Your Author Central Account
  • Branding Your Author Central Account
  • How To Make A Paperback Version Of Your Ebook
  • How To Break Down the Amazon’s Bestseller Rankings  
  • Quick Start Guide To Self Publishing Success Even Cooler Feature
  • And So Much More...
For Our 1 Day,
 Nashville, Tenn. Workshop, Taking Place
February 2nd 2020

There's NO Way Around It - If You Want To Sell Audiobooks (And Trust Us, You Do) Success Starts Right Here. 

This is really game changing information - NOT a list of theoretical ideas. Just me sharing what actually works!

This is a great chance for you to use audio content for taking your business to the next level** and get commissions without breaking your back or... heaven forbid actually recording your own audio!(Unless you want to)

You want work that's smooth and studio quality, without frustrations. You also want to promote this work to as many readers as possible. So, given that, the only thing you need to do is buy our training and save yourself a lot of time and frustration.

Trust me, this guide is A GOLDEN set of videos and deserves a HEAVY PRICE. This could easily be 10x as much BUT...

We know what it's like to be desperate to get a foot in the door. 

This is going to be that foot in the door for you.

This is a special moment you have to be a part of.

Let’s Get Started Now - Follow This Step By Step Plan To Start Your Kindle Business Today! 
It's a blueprint for success that you can't find on YouTube, Google, on your bookshelf, or on a blog article. Instead, it comes from people who are trained to win on this platform, who've gone through the ups and downs...

And have real knowledge to give you. 

It's mentorship and a sense of community - and it's all yours.

Because you're not just fighting for yourself - you're fighting alongside a community that's publishing different ideas in different genres... And many that will also be publishing to the same genre as you, so you're never left alone.

But all have a drive to take care of themselves and get big results. 

So don't do what the gurus are telling you, instead, listen to regular people who've worked hard in the trenches to publish great audio books over and over again. 

This kind of program is a dream come true if you've already written some books (or even just one) and want to make more money from it/them.

This is going to PERMANENTLY increase your Amazon publishing knowledge for less than the price of a meal at a decent steak house.

It's a no-brainer.

Use the button below to sign up now, it will be one of the best decisions you’ll make… and when your audio book sales start pouring in, your family will thank you for it!
Here Are The 3 Most Frequent Questions I Get About Starting a Kindle Business…
Honestly, starting a Kindle business is so simple that I don’t really get many questions. But, below I want to cover the 3 most frequent ones.
The best thing I can tell you is that KEEP IT SIMPLE. The power of this business model is the simplicity of it, that’s exactly why now in almost 8 years, my system has barely changed.
Alright, ready?
Here are the 3 most asked questions - answered.
What Is The Kindle Cash Flow System & What Do You Get From It? 
The 3 Elements You Need To Start Creating Passive Income From Amazon Kindle...
What People Are Saying...
Over $5,976 In Bonuses
Start Now! 
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